B Corp FAQ

  • What was The Sussan Group’s B Corp score?

    The Sussan Group scored 84.7 in its B Lab Impact Assessment (the BIA). For more information on our score, visit the B Corp website here.

    B Corps are independently verified by B Lab for meeting high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

  • How will you continue to meet standards?

    As B Corporations are required to recertify every three years, this commitment signifies our dedication to continual improvement and using business as a force for good. 

    In 2027, the Sussan Group will take the B Impact Assessment (BIA) again. This recertification process holds us accountable and reassesses our commitment to all impact areas.

  • How long did the B Corp certification process take?

    Transparently, it takes a lot of work. In fact, our most senior leadership team have been actively involved in the B Corp Certification journey for the past two years. As B Corp has helped us to set an actionable plan for improvement, this team will continue to be involved and will aim for recertification in 2027. 

    While we’re excited to be B Corp Certified, we know this is just the beginning of our journey. We’re committed to continual improvement and are glad to have a rigorous assessment and holistic framework to guide our ESG strategy. The journey doesn't stop here.

  • Will this affect the quality of The Sussan Group’s products?

    This certification independently verifies that the Sussan Group meets high standards of performance, accountability, and transparency. Our commitment to quality remains unwavering, and we see B Corp certification as a way to enhance our overall performance, including product quality.

  • Why did Sussan Group choose B Corp Certification?

    We’re committed to enacting the changes that our customers want to see from our business, as well as the change that the our business wants to see in the Australian fashion industry.

    We wanted a robust certification to assess where Sussan Group was at, and where we needed to go. We wanted a certification that would keep our business accountable for our shortcomings, and ensure we continue progressing towards our long-term ESG goals.

    B Corp Certification isn't about ticking a box, and it's not something brands can "bluff".

    The rigorous B Impact Assessment highlighted our strengths and gaps. From here, we've been able to create a robust action plan and will use the B Corp framework to hold ourselves accountable for improvement. 

    We join a movement of 9,000+ leading for-profit companies dedicated to using business as a force for good.